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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/27/08 OT Journey #27-A Wise Man Will Hear Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080727.ppt mullinsphillip_20080727.mp3
07/20/08 OT Journey #26-The Rise of the King of Wisdom Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080720a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080720a.mp3
07/20/08 Epaphroditus- A Case Study in Service   Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080720a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080720a.mp3
07/13/08 What the Bible Says About Life's Biggest Decisions Tony Mauck N/A N/A maucktony_20080713a.ppt maucktony_20080713a.mp3
07/13/08 God's Book at the End of Life John Mulligan N/A N/A mulliganjohn_20080713b.mp3 mulliganjohn_20080713b.ppt
07/12/08 Living By the Book Tony Mauck N/A N/A maucktony_20080712.ppt maucktony_20080712.mp3
07/12/08 Getting the Print Off the Page John Mulligan N/A N/A mulliganjohn_20080712.mp3 mulliganjohn_20080712.ppt
07/11/08 The Knowledge Above All Knowledge Tony Mauck N/A N/A maucktony_20080711.ppt maucktony_20080711.mp3
07/11/08 Why the Bible is the Best Selling Book of All Time John Mulligan N/A N/A mulliganjohn_20080711.ppt mulliganjohn_20080711.mp3
07/06/08 OT Journey #25-The God of My Strength Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080706a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080706a.ppt
07/06/08 What Teenagers Need at the Divide  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080706a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080706a.mp3
06/29/08 OT Journey #24-A Man After God's Own Heart Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080629a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080629a.mp3
06/22/08 OT Journey #23-The Son of David Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080622a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080622a.ppt
06/22/08 Philippians 2:12-18 Tim Cook N/A N/A CookTim_20080622b.mp3
06/15/08 OT Journey #22 Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080615a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080615a.ppt
06/15/08 Your Faith and Your Children's Faith-Daniel  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080615a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080615a.mp3
06/08/08 OT Journey #21-Praises Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080608a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080608a.mp3
06/08/08 The Lord is My Help and My Deliverer ETodd Bailey N/A N/A baileyetodd_20080608b.mp3
06/01/08 OT Journey #20-Are we there, Yet? Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080601a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080601a.ppt
06/01/08 Being Single and Being a Christian  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080601a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080601a.ppt
05/25/08 OT Journey #19 -Meditations Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080525a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080525a.ppt
05/18/08 OT Journey #18 -The Lord's Anointed Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080518a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080518a.ppt
05/18/08 Paul's Perspective on Life, Death, and Eternity  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080518a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080518a.mp3
05/11/08 OT Journey #17 -Give Us A King Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080511a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080511a.ppt
05/04/08 OT Journey - The Lord Raises Deliverers Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080504a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080504a.ppt

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