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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/15/07 What James Teaches Us About Caring for Brethren Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070415a.mp3
04/08/07 Covetousness and Contentment Brian Henry N/A N/A henrybrian_20070408b.mp3
04/08/07 What Your Kids Need From Church Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070408a.mp3
04/01/07 The High Price of Unity Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070401a.mp3
04/01/07 Who Has Influence? Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070401b.mp3
03/25/07 Pride Leslie Montgomery N/A N/A montgomeryleslie_20070325a.mp3
03/18/07 Seeking the Lost - Power of a Holy Life Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070318a.mp3
03/18/07 Seeking the Lost - The Gospel is for All Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070318b.mp3
03/18/07 Seeking the Lost - Through Prayer Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070318c.mp3
03/17/07 Seeking the Lost - Evangelism as a Process Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070317a.mp3
03/17/07 Seeking the Lost - Touches Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070317b.mp3
03/16/07 Seeking the Lost - The Challenge Colin Williamson Seeking the Lost N/A williamsoncolin_20070316.mp3
03/11/07 Hospitality Mark Heard N/A N/A heardmark_20070311a.mp3
03/11/07 Changing In Response to God Seth Nelson N/A N/A nelsonseth_20070311b.mp3
03/04/07 What Does It Mean To Be Converted? Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070304a.mp3
03/04/07 Beware - Leaven of the Pharisees Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070304b.mp3
02/25/07 Equipping Myself to Serve Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070225a.mp3
02/18/07 Jonah Tom Byler N/A N/A bylertom_20070218a.mp3
02/18/07 Resisting Temptation Brian Cook N/A N/A CookBrian_20070218b.mp3
02/11/07 Commitment Tom Byler N/A N/A bylertom_20070211b.mp3
02/11/07 Why You Matter to God Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070211a.mp3
02/04/07 The Christian & the World Leslie Montgomery N/A N/A montgomeryleslie_20070204b.mp3
01/28/07 Water in God's Marvelous Plan Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070128a.mp3
01/21/07 Digging or Preserving - Two Approaches to Christianity Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070121a.mp3
01/14/07 Checking the Moral Compass Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20070114a.mp3

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