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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/19/08 OT Journey #38 - A Time for Reform and Revival Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20081019a.ppt mullinsphillip_20081019a.mp3
10/19/08 Be a Reformer Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20081019a.ppt mullinsphillip_20081019a.mp3
10/15/08 User-Friendly Bible 6-Miracles of Jesus Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081015.mp3
10/14/08 User-Friendly Bible 5-Key to Effective Study-Application Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081014.ppt gantrich_20081014.mp3
10/13/08 User-Friendly Bible 4-Key to Effective Study-Interpretation Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081013.ppt gantrich_20081013.mp3
10/12/08 User-Friendly Bible 1-Table of Contents-Class Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081012a.ppt gantrich_20081012a.mp3
10/12/08 User-Friendly Bible 2-We Can Understand the Bible Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081012b.mp3 gantrich_20081012b.ppt
10/12/08 User-Friendly Bible 3-Key to Effective Study-Observation Rich Gant User-Friendly Bible N/A gantrich_20081012-class.mp3 gantrich_20081012-class.ppt
10/05/08 OT Journey #37 - The Suffering Servant Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20081005a.ppt mullinsphillip_20081005a.mp3
10/05/08 The Christian and the Government   Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20081005a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20081005a.ppt
09/28/08 OT Journey #36 - Hosea, Book of Gloom and Door or a Book of Hope? David Roff Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A roffdavid_20080928a.ppt roffdavid_20080928a.mp3
09/21/08 OT Journey #35 - God and the Gentiles Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080921a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080921a.mp3
09/21/08 Despair and Comfort Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080921a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080921a.mp3
09/14/08 Journey #34 - A Son is Given Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080914a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080914a.mp3
09/14/08 Examine Where We Are- Our Purpose  Clifton Piner N/A N/A pinerclifton_20080914.mp3 pinerclifton_20080914.ppt
09/07/08 Fifty Days to a Changed Life Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080907a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080907a.ppt
08/31/08 OT Journey #32 - Elisha's Example Tom Byler Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A bylertom_20080831.mp3 bylertom_20080831.ppt
08/24/08 OT Journey #31 - Kings Who Angered God Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080824a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080824a.ppt
08/24/08 Our Mighty God  Tim Wilson N/A N/A
08/17/08 OT Journey #30 - Israel Divided Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080817a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080817a.ppt
08/17/08 The Bible and Alcohol  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080817a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080817a.mp3
08/10/08 OT Journey #29-The Fragile Glory of Solomon's Reign Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080810a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080810a.ppt
08/10/08 The Challenge of Achieving Unity Mark Heard N/A N/A heardmark_20080810b.mp3
08/03/08 OT Journey #28-The Temple of the Lord Phillip Mullins Old Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20080803a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20080803a.ppt
08/03/08 Thank the Lord I'm Saved  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20080803a.ppt mullinsphillip_20080803a.mp3

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