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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/24/09 Passion of Jesus Brian Henry N/A N/A henrybrian_20090524b.mp3 henrybrian_20090524b.pptx
05/24/09 NT Journey 15 -Guilty of Innocence Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090524a.mp3 MullinsPhillip_20090524a.ppt
05/17/09 NT Journey 14 -Let This Cup Pass Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090517b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090517b.ppt
05/17/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 6 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090517b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090517b.ppt
05/10/09 Questions on Elders and Their Qualifications  Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20090510b.mp3 comerharold_20090510b.pptx
05/10/09 NT Journey 13- My Blood of the New Covenant Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090510a.mp3 MullinsPhillip_20090510a.ppt
05/03/09 NT Journey 12- Rejection and Coming Destruction Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090503b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090503b.ppt
05/03/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 5 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090503b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090503b.mp3
04/26/09 Gratitude   Dan Roper N/A N/A roperdan_20090426a.mp3 roperdan_20090426a.ppt
04/19/09 NT Journey 11 - Hosanna to the Son of David Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090419b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090419b.mp3
04/19/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 4 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090419b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090419b.ppt
04/12/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 3 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090412b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090412b.ppt
04/12/09 NT Journey 10 - I Am The Resurrection Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090412b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090412b.mp3
04/05/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 2 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090405b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090405b.ppt
04/05/09 New Testament Teaching on Elders 1 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090405a.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090405a.ppt
03/29/09 NT Journey 10 - Luke 12- Guard Your Heart Tony Sellers New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A sellerstony_20090329a.mp3
03/22/09 NT Journey 9- Could This Be The Christ Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090322a.mp3 MullinsPhillip_20090322a.ppt
03/15/09 NT Journey 8 - The Confession, the Warning, the Calling Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090315a.ppt MullinsPhillip_20090315a.mp3
03/13/09 Do You Know My Jesus - If You Want to Walk on the Water, Get Out of the Boat! Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090313.mp3
03/12/09 Do You Know My Jesus - Rich Toward God Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090312.mp3
03/11/09 Do You Know My Jesus - Lord, Do You Not Care? Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090311.mp3
03/10/09 Do You Know My Jesus - Worship His Majesty! Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090310.mp3
03/09/09 Do You Know My Jesus - What Do You See? Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090309.mp3
03/08/09 Do You Know My Jesus - Seeking the Lost Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090308c.mp3
03/08/09 Do You Know My Jesus - The Extra Degree Wilson Adams Do You Know My Jesus N/A adamswilson_20090308b.mp3

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