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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/12/01 What Is Faith? Boyd Sellers N/A N/A sellersboyd_20010312.mp3
03/12/01 Ready To Give An Answer Boyd Sellers N/A N/A sellersboyd_20010312b.mp3
03/11/01 The Rule of Elders - # 1 Boyd Sellers N/A N/A sellersboyd_20010311.mp3
03/11/01 The Rule of Elders - # 2 Boyd Sellers N/A N/A sellersboyd_20010311b.mp3
03/11/01 Shepherds of the Flock Boyd Sellers N/A N/A sellersboyd_20010311c.mp3
03/04/01 The God of All Mercy Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010304.mp3
02/25/01 How Jacob Became Israel - No. 2 Deception Phillip Mullins Jacob N/A mullinsphillip_20010225.mp3
02/18/01 God's Stand Outs Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010218.mp3
02/18/01 How Jacob Became Israel - No. 1 Destiny Phillip Mullins Jacob N/A mullinsphillip_20010218b.mp3
02/11/01 Are You An Atheist? Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010211.mp3
02/11/01 The Product and Process of False Teaching Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010211b.mp3
02/04/01 Hurting Is A Part Of Living Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010204.mp3
01/28/01 Leadership Training Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010128.mp3
01/28/01 What Motivates Great Leadership? Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010128b.mp3
01/28/01 Servant & Authority Leadership - Working Hand In Hand Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010128c.mp3
01/27/01 Servant Leadership Is... Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010127.mp3
01/27/01 Leadership Development Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010127b.mp3
01/26/01 Biblical Leadership - An Increasing Need Harold Comer N/A N/A comerharold_20010126.mp3
01/21/01 Marriage, Adultery, Fornication Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010121.mp3
01/14/01 Mary Rejoicing - Rachel Weeping Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010114.mp3
01/14/01 Different Brethren - Different Needs Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010114b.mp3
01/07/01 The Next Step - 1 Peter 2:1-3 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010107.mp3
01/07/01 Paul and His Co-Workers - Romans 16:1-16; 21-24 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20010107b.mp3
12/31/00 The Effective, Fervent Prayer - No. 1 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20001231.mp3
12/31/00 The Effective, Fervent Prayer - No. 2 Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20001231b.mp3

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