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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/21/09 Stop Worrying - God Almighty is Still on His Throne Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091021a.ppt salleelowell_20091021a.mp3
10/20/09 God Can Cleanse Our Hearts Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091020a.ppt salleelowell_20091020a.mp3
10/19/09 Dealing With Discouragement and Depression Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091019a.mp3 salleelowell_20091019a.ppt
10/18/09 The Beginning of Sin and Life's Pains Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091018a.mp3 salleelowell_20091018a.ppt
10/18/09 Jesus the Great Physician Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091018b.mp3 salleelowell_20091018b.ppt
10/18/09 Why Does God Allow Life's Pains To Continue Lowell Sallee N/A N/A salleelowell_20091018c.mp3 salleelowell_20091018c.ppt
10/11/09 NT Journey 28-The Heavenly Gospel and Earthly Rulers Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20091011b.mp3
10/11/09 It Shall Not Be Among You Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20091011b.mp3
10/04/09 NT Journey 27-A Gospel Farewell Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20091004b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20091004b.ppt
10/04/09 Deacons 3-Their Qualifications Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20091004b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20091004b.ppt
09/27/09 Servanthood Tony Sellers N/A N/A sellerstony_20090927a.mp3
09/20/09 NT Journey 26-How Can A Sinful Man Be Made Right With God Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090920a.ppt MullinsPhillip_20090920a.mp3
09/20/09 What the Lord Requires Clifton Piner N/A N/A pinerclifton_20090920b.mp3 pinerclifton_20090920b.ppt
09/13/09 Deacons 1-Their Role Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090913a.ppt mullinsphillip_20090913a.mp3
09/13/09 Deacons 2-Their Work Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090913b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090913b.ppt
09/06/09 Tithe Mark Heard N/A N/A heardmark_20090906a.mp3
08/30/09 NT Journey 25-The Fragrance of Christ Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090830b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090830b.mp3
08/30/09 When Cool Heads Prevail  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090830b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090830b.mp3
08/23/09 Proper Balance Tim Cook N/A N/A CookTim_20090823b.ppt CookTim_20090823b.mp3
08/23/09 Reverence In Our Worship Dan Roper N/A N/A roperdan_20090823a.ppt roperdan_20090823a.mp3
08/16/09 NT Journey 24-Take Heed Lest You Fall Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090816b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090816b.mp3
08/16/09 The Prayers of the Prophets  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090816b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090816b.ppt
08/09/09 NT Journey 23-The Foolishness of the Cross Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A mullinsphillip_20090809b.ppt mullinsphillip_20090809b.mp3
08/09/09 Why Your Beliefs Matter  Phillip Mullins N/A N/A mullinsphillip_20090809b.mp3 mullinsphillip_20090809b.ppt
08/02/09 NT Journey 22-Living in View of His Return Phillip Mullins New Testament Journey - Sermons N/A MullinsPhillip_20090802a.mp3 MullinsPhillip_20090802a.ppt

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