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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/21/18 Proverbs - Better Tony Sellers N/A N/A sellerstony_20180121a.mp3
01/14/18 Nehemiah Chapter 2 Cody Long N/A N/A longcody_20180114a.mp3
01/14/18 Busy with the Lord's Work David Wheeler N/A N/A wheelerdavid_20180114b.mp3
01/07/18 The Remnant of Israel Glen Hawkins N/A N/A hawkinsglen_20180107b.mp3
01/07/18 Fellowship in God's Family Dan Roper N/A N/A roperdan_20180107a.mp3
12/31/17 Why Christ Came to this World Greg Wiggins N/A N/A wigginsgreg_20171231a.mp3
12/24/17 Is There Any Hope For My Marriage? Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171224a.mp3 kinzeltom_20171224a.pptx
12/24/17 Christ Manifested In The Flesh Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171224b.pptx kinzeltom_20171224b.mp3
12/17/17 God's Attitude Towards Divorce Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171217a.pptx kinzeltom_20171217a.mp3
12/17/17 Jesus The Rock Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171217b.mp3 kinzeltom_20171217b.pptx
12/10/17 Marriage-From the Beginning Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171210a.mp3 kinzeltom_20171210a.pptx
12/10/17 Maintaining Spiritual Awareness Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171210b.mp3 kinzeltom_20171210b.pptx
12/03/17 Unless The Lord Builds The House Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171203a.pptx kinzeltom_20171203a.mp3
12/03/17 Restoring The Banished Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171203b.mp3 kinzeltom_20171203b.pptx
11/26/17 An Ancient Attitude In Modern Times Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171126a.mp3 kinzeltom_20171126a.pptx
11/19/17 The Christian's Response to Homosexualitay Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171119a.mp3
11/19/17 Restoring Our Passion Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171119b.mp3
11/15/17 The Christian's Victory Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171115a.mp3
11/14/17 Three Types of Churches Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171114a.mp3
11/13/17 Maintaining Our Fervency Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171113a.mp3
11/12/17 The Lord Heard Me Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171112a.mp3
11/12/17 The Power Of Christ In Me Today Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171112b.mp3
11/12/17 Onesiphorus Rickie Jenkins N/A N/A jenkinsrickie_20171112c.mp3
11/05/17 What Does the Bible Teach about Homosexuality? Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171105a.mp3
11/05/17 What Should be Our Attitude Towards the Bible? Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20171105b.mp3

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