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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/03/19 Priorities Mark Heard N/A N/A heardmark_20190203b.mp3
02/03/19 God's Word on Marriage - Sex and Marriage Leslie Montgomery Marriage N/A montgomeryleslie_20190203a.ppsx montgomeryleslie_20190203a.mp3
01/27/19 What it Means to "Trust God" Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20190127a.ppsx kinzeltom_20190127a.mp3
01/20/19 The Thief on the Cross Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20190120a.mp3 kinzeltom_20190120a.ppsx
01/13/19 The Prodical Son Tony Sellers N/A N/A sellerstony_20190113a.mp3
01/13/19 Making Sound Decisions David Wheeler N/A N/A wheelerdavid_20190113b.mp3
01/06/19 The Thief on the Cross Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20190106a.mp3 kinzeltom_20190106a.ppsx
01/06/19 The Vine and the Branches Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20190106b.ppsx kinzeltom_20190106b.mp3
12/30/18 A Good Start to the New Year Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181230a.mp3
12/23/18 Why Did My Savior Come To Earth? Part 2 Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181223a.mp3 kinzeltom_20181223a.ppsx
12/23/18 Sure Things Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181223b.mp3 kinzeltom_20181223b.ppsx
12/16/18 Why Did My Savior Come To Earth? Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181216a.ppsx kinzeltom_20181216a.mp3
12/16/18 Lessons From The Tower Of Babel Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181216b.mp3 kinzeltom_20181216b.ppsx
12/02/18 Help In Trusting God & His Promises Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181202a.mp3 kinzeltom_20181202a.ppsx
12/02/18 Comparing Noah's Salvation To Ours Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181202b.mp3 kinzeltom_20181202b.ppsx
11/25/18 Degrees of Reward and Punishment Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181125a.mp3 kinzeltom_20181125a.ppsx
11/18/18 The Terror of Hopelessness Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181118a.mp3
11/18/18 The Problem of Ungratefullnes Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181118b.ppsx kinzeltom_20181118b.mp3
11/11/18 The Hope of a Christian Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181111a.ppsx kinzeltom_20181111a.mp3
11/11/18 Obligations To Truth Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181111b.ppsx kinzeltom_20181111b.mp3
11/04/18 Why Should Anyone Become a Christian? Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181104a.mp3 kinzeltom_20181104a.ppsx
11/04/18 Why The Great Invitation Is Great Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20181104b.mp3 kinzeltom_20181104b.ppsx
10/28/18 Why Are You Cast Down? Depression 6 Tom Kinzel Why Are You Cast Down? Depressio N/A kinzeltom_20181028a.mp3 kinzeltom_20181028a.ppsx
10/24/18 When the Son of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith? Joseph Casimier N/A N/A casimierjoseph_20181024a.mp3 casimierjoseph_20181024a.ppsx
10/23/18 Living In View of Eternity Joseph Casimier N/A N/A casimierjoseph_20181023a.mp3 casimierjoseph_20181023a.ppsx

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