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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/09/11 Jonah's Storm  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20111009b.ppt kinzeltom_20111009b.mp3
10/05/11 Can Biblical Primitivism Survive in the 21st Century? Ed Harrell N/A N/A harrelled_20111005.mp3 harrelled_20111005.ppt
10/04/11 New Testament Congregationalism: Historical and Biblical Models of the Primitive Church Ed Harrell N/A N/A harrelled_20111004.ppt harrelled_20111004.mp3
10/03/11 The Hermeneutical Dilemma: Can We Understand Written Texts? Ed Harrell N/A N/A harrelled_20111003.mp3 harrelled_20111003.ppt
10/02/11 The Complete Christian Ed Harrell N/A N/A harrelled_20111002b.mp3
10/02/11 Apostolic Authority: The Foundation of Primitive Christianity Ed Harrell N/A N/A harrelled_20111002c.mp3
09/25/11 Liberty & Responsibility  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110925a.ppt kinzeltom_20110925a.mp3
09/18/11 Light Mark Heard N/A N/A heardmark_20110918b.mp3
09/18/11 Let Us Consider One Another  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110918a.ppt kinzeltom_20110918a.mp3
09/11/11 The Local Church- A Family Of God  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110911a.ppt kinzeltom_20110911a.mp3
09/11/11 What Jesus Coming Means  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110911b.ppt kinzeltom_20110911b.mp3
09/04/11 Our Need For Community  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110904a.ppt kinzeltom_20110904a.mp3
09/04/11 Am I On The Lord's Side?  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110904b.ppt kinzeltom_20110904b.mp3
08/28/11 Hosea's Restoration Prophecy  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110828a.ppt kinzeltom_20110828a.mp3
08/21/11 Lessons From Manasseh  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110821b.mp3 kinzeltom_20110821b.ppt
08/21/11 The Value and Importance of the Church Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110821a.mp3
08/14/11 Fellowship - Inclusive & Exclusive  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110814a.mp3 kinzeltom_20110814a.ppt
08/14/11 Religion That Poisons  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110814b.ppt kinzeltom_20110814b.mp3
08/07/11 Glory to God in the Church  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110807a.ppt kinzeltom_20110807a.mp3
08/07/11 Visioning Jesus Alan Piner N/A N/A pineralan_20110807b.mp3
07/31/11 I Believe and Therefore I Speak Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20110731a.mp3
07/24/11 The Josiah Influence Tom Kinzel Draw Near To God - Sermons N/A kinzeltom_20110724a.mp3 kinzeltom_20110724a.ppt
07/24/11 Who is God?  Leslie Montgomery N/A N/A montgomeryleslie_20110724b.mp3 montgomeryleslie_20110724b.ppt
07/17/11 Overcoming Obstacles Shawn Jeffries Teen Lectures 2011- Christ for the World N/A jeffriesshawn_20110717b.ppt jeffriesshawn_20110717b.mp3
07/17/11 Sharing the Gospel Frederic Gray Teen Lectures 2011- Christ for the World N/A grayfrederic_20110717a.mp3

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