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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/22/13 Seeking Counsel From Others  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130922b.ppt kinzeltom_20130922b.mp3
09/15/13 A Life of a Doctor in Training Isaac Miller N/A N/A millerisaac_20130915a.mp3
09/15/13 Christianity and Government  Leslie Montgomery N/A N/A montgomeryleslie_20130915b.ppt montgomeryleslie_20130915b.mp3
09/08/13 Sayings From The Cross-1 Tom Kinzel Sayings From The Cross N/A kinzeltom_20130908a.ppt kinzeltom_20130908a.mp3
09/08/13 Putting Sin To Death  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130908b.mp3 kinzeltom_20130908b.ppt
09/01/13 Jesus' Resurrection-The Evidence  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130901a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130901a.ppt
08/25/13 Jesus' Resurrection-Its Importance  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130825a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130825a.ppt
08/18/13 Jesus And The Reliability Of The Gospels  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130818a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130818a.ppt
08/18/13 The Challenge To Be Morally Pure  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130818b.ppt kinzeltom_20130818b.mp3
08/11/13 See Jesus For Yourself  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130811a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130811a.ppt
08/11/13 The Secular Mind vs. The Spiritual Mind  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130811b.ppt kinzeltom_20130811b.mp3
08/04/13 Gossip Eric Ottersbach N/A N/A ottersbacheric_20130804a.mp3
07/28/13 Parable of the Talents Greg Nelson N/A N/A nelsongreg_20130728a.mp3
07/21/13 God's Creative Power In Your Life  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130721a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130721a.ppt
07/21/13 Korah's Rebellion Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130721a.ppt kinzeltom_20130721b.mp3
07/14/13 Why Does it All Matter? Tom Hamilton Teen Lectures 2013 N/A hamiltontom_20130714b.mp3
07/14/13 Suffering and Scripture Doy Moyer Teen Lectures 2013 N/A moyerdoy_20130714a.mp3
07/13/13 The Resurrection of Jesus Tom Hamilton Teen Lectures 2013 N/A hamiltontom_20130713a.mp3 hamiltontom_20130713a.ppt
07/13/13 Salvation - Is There Only One Way? Doy Moyer Teen Lectures 2013 N/A moyerdoy_20130713b.mp3
07/12/13 Objective Truth versus Relativism Tom Hamilton Teen Lectures 2013 N/A hamiltontom_20130712b.mp3 hamiltontom_20130712b.ppt
07/12/13 Confronting the Cross Doy Moyer Teen Lectures 2013 N/A moyerdoy_20130712a.mp3
07/07/13 Consequences To Faith If Evolution Is Accepted  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130707a.mp3 kinzeltom_20130707a.ppt
07/07/13 What Makes A Church Strong  Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130707b.ppt kinzeltom_20130707b.mp3
06/30/13 The First Adam and the Second Adam Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130630a.mp3
06/23/13 Genesis - A Historical Account Tom Kinzel N/A N/A kinzeltom_20130623a.mp3

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